The Little Book of Food Waste

Waste less food, help the planet.

The Little Book
of Food Waste




Most people waste food.

Despite general guidance around meal planning and composting, the average person doesn’t have time to think about what they’re scraping off their plate. With the United States reported to have 73 kg (161 pounds) per capita of household food waste per year, it’s beyond time to take action. The Little Book of Food Waste, a graduate Capstone project from NYU’s Food Studies program, will provide actionable insights about how to waste less food based on your spending, eating, and organization habits.

The Five Types of Eaters

We don’t all eat the same things, so why would we waste the same things? There is no “one” reason that people waste food; rather, different habits and behaviors impact how much food we waste. The “What Type of Eater Are You?” quiz will use your responses to place you in a category listed below. Take the quiz and click to learn more about your “type.”

After The Quiz


Gut Check

When reviewing your results, consider whether or not it resonates with you. This quiz is not a perfect science, and you may align with a different eating type.


Keep a Trash Diary

For one week, take a picture of any food you throw away — whether you are scraping food off a plate or throwing away old leftovers. Look for trends and ask questions.


Don’t Solve – Observe

Don’t immediately change your lifestyle based on your results. Use the results to inform your observations about your natural impulses and habits around eating.

The Little Book of Food Waste

Quiz Takeaways

Cut down on waste
Change your habits
Save money

Stay Tuned for The Little Book of Food Waste

This research will be used to write a handbook called The Little Book of Food Waste. NYU Food Studies student Melissa Randall-Houghton will release an eBook and printed handbook for her 2025 Capstone.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will my name be used in the research/book?

Nope! All survey submissions are anonymous. You can provide your email address if you would like to answer questions about your experience.

What if I don’t like my result?

If your type doesn’t seem like you, read through all the “types” and try to find one that best aligns with your habits.

What school is this research associated with?

Melissa Randall-Houghton is a New York University student pursuing a dual degree in Food Studies and Library Science.

How long does the quiz take to finish?

The quiz is 30 questions long and can take 25 minutes to an hour.

Can I share the quiz with my friends?

Please share the link across your platforms! The more engagement, the better.

When does the handbook come out?

The first iteration will be available in early Summer 2025.

Learn “What Type of Eater Are You?”

Click the green button to be directed to our Typeform quiz.